Membership of Seend Community Land & Asset Trust (CLT) is open to all Seend Parishioners from age 16 years. Non-voting membership is also open to friends of the CLT. Both types of membership cost just £1.00 for life. The benefits of CLT membership are well documented.
In October 2023 there were more than 540 CLTs listed in the national Community Land Trust Network. Nationally, 334 CLTs are legally incorporated. The average membership size across national CLTs is 60. Seend has 265 members at October 2023. Nationally, there are 627 CLT projects, some CLTs have more than one project in progress and there are more than 7,500 CLT homes in the pipeline. Since January 2020, 15 CLTs have made site starts on housing. Seend CLT's Park Farm project started on site in May 2022.
When you have decided you want to take action and join the Seend CLT, just download and complete the short form included in this leaflet; put the form and your £1 coin in an envelope addressed to Seend CLT and drop it off at Bradley Farm, Rusty Lane, Seend SN12 6NS. The CLT will do the rest.
Membership envelopes are available below, or from Bradley Farm, opposite the Rusty Lane Pavilion. Join now, support our great Parish and help to shape all our futures through the life stages to come!